
The ACFA proposed several short and medium term solutions to various levels of government.

  1. That the provincial government allows Campus Saint-Jean to access its reserve fund;
  2. That the Government of Alberta reviews the Campus Alberta Grant allocated to the University of Alberta so that the portion of the grant received by Campus Saint-Jean matches its current number of students (750 Full Load Equivalent);
  3. That the Government of Canada provides a complementary contribution under the Official Languages in Education Program (OLEP), to be used by Campus Saint-Jean without financial penalty;
  4. That the Government of Canada creates a Western Canada French Postsecondary Education Fund;
  5. That the Government of Canada increases the OLEP funding allocated to Campus Saint-Jean and indexes this funding.

Medium and long term solutions should be considered by the community to ensure the sustainability of our French-language post-secondary institution in Alberta.

The ACFA has participated in several consultation processes and parliamentary committee studies, and has initiated legal action against the Province of Alberta and the University of Alberta. Read the documents below for the ACFA’s proposed solutions.

Legal Action
1976 Agreement
Statement of Claim filed with the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta (August 17, 2020)

U of A for Tomorrow Restructuring Initiative
– Memo: “Proposal for a Renewed Campus Saint-Jean within the U of A for Tomorrow Restructuring Initiative” (July 29, 2020)
– Letter: Feedback on ARWG’s recommended scenarios and Campus Saint-Jean’s status within the U of A for Tomorrow restructuring initiative (November 5, 2020)

House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages
– Brief: “Save Saint-Jean: Concrete Positive Federal Measures Needed Now to Keep Campus Saint‐Jean Alive and Protect French in Alberta and Canada.” (April 13, 2021)
– Brief: “Save Saint-Jean!” (June 16, 2021)

Government of Quebec Bill 96
– Brief: “For a support from Quebec that enriches linguistic minorities’ access to post-secondary education in French” (in French only) (August 23, 2021)

If you sense the urgency of the critical situation facing the Campus Saint-Jean and wish to support our ongoing efforts, we invite you to make a donation. A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $20 or more.

Find out more

ACFA in collaboration with Francophonie jeunesse de l’Alberta (FJA) has developed many social media visuals to help you spread the word and engage politicians on this important issue.
Use the campaign hashtags :
#SauvonsSaintJean #SaveSaintJean
Here are other hashtags you can use :
#frab #frcan #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli

Find out more