
Myths and preconceived ideas about the viability of Campus Saint-Jean and the Francophone community are legion.

Each week, we will publish some of these preconceived ideas and the arguments to counter them.


The University of Alberta does not pay any more for the Campus Saint-Jean than it does for its other faculties. 

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Postsecondary budget cuts in Alberta affect all postsecondary institutions in the province. The Campus Saint-Jean is not disproportionately affected by these cuts.

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Under the present economic context, the Alberta government is not investing in postsecondary education. Francophones should understand that there is no money.

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Quebec does not fund English-language institutions, so Alberta should not fund French-language postsecondary programs.

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A French-language university in Alberta serves only a small minority, since French is less important than other languages in Alberta. It’s a dying language all...

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In Alberta, French has never been important and this remains the case today. There is therefore no demand for French-language postsecondary programs in the province.

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Francophones can go back to Quebec or to France to access French-language postsecondary programs.

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If you sense the urgency of the critical situation facing the Campus Saint-Jean and wish to support our ongoing efforts, we invite you to make a donation. A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $20 or more.

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ACFA in collaboration with Francophonie jeunesse de l’Alberta (FJA) has developed many social media visuals to help you spread the word and engage politicians on this important issue.
Use the campaign hashtags :
#SauvonsSaintJean #SaveSaintJean
Here are other hashtags you can use :
#frab #frcan #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli

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