News Releases

All press releases issued by the ACFA on the Save Saint-Jean campaign.

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A list of articles in the Canadian media about the Save Saint-Jean campaign.

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Numerous public and political personalities as well as several organizations have expressed their support.

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The latest news

Save Saint-Jean Campaign: Update to the Community

EDMONTON, FEBRUARY 12, 2021 – The ACFA is providing a community update on the Save Saint-Jean campaign. In December 2020, as part of their U...

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Francophone and Acadian Minority Communities Unite in Day of Solidarity: The ACFA Joins Nationwide, Urgent Plea for Modernization of Official Languages Act

EDMONTON, December 1st, 2020 – The ACFA joins Francophone and Acadian minority communities nationwide in an urgent plea on this national day of Francophone solidarity....

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The ACFA Pursues Legal Action Against the Government of Alberta and the University of Alberta

EDMONTON, AUGUST 17, 2020 – During a press conference earlier today, the Chair of the ACFA, Sheila Risbud, announced that the ACFA, an organization representing...

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If you sense the urgency of the critical situation facing the Campus Saint-Jean and wish to support our ongoing efforts, we invite you to make a donation. A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $20 or more.

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ACFA in collaboration with Francophonie jeunesse de l’Alberta (FJA) has developed many social media visuals to help you spread the word and engage politicians on this important issue.
Use the campaign hashtags :
#SauvonsSaintJean #SaveSaintJean
Here are other hashtags you can use :
#frab #frcan #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli

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