Write to the Premier of Alberta and the minister of Advanced Education. Use the letter template provided and add a personalized paragraph to share your Campus Saint-Jean experience. Share the significance of the institution in your life/career.

ACFA in collaboration with Francophonie jeunesse de l’Alberta (FJA) has developed many social media visuals to help you spread the word and engage politicians on this important issue.
Use the campaign hashtags :
#SauvonsSaintJean #SaveSaintJean
Here are other hashtags you can use :
#frab #frcan #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli

If you sense the urgency of the critical situation facing the Campus Saint-Jean and wish to support our ongoing efforts, we invite you to make a donation. A tax receipt will be issued for any donation of $20 or more.

Read the ACFA’s memo « Proposal for a Renewed Campus Saint-Jean within the U of A for Tomorrow restructuring initiative.